Cold Plunge & Infrared Sauna
We all know that our bodies cannot tolerate long term exposure to extreme cold or extreme heat. Low doses of these, however, can be beneficial.
Hormesis is a phenomenon where our bodies build adaptive defenses to these small doses of extreme stressors and can have positive outcomes. Cold Plunging and Sauna use can offer a wide variety of benefits through this process. Some of these benefits are immediate, and some are a delayed response.
Supports/improves immune function
Increases Blood Flow/Circulation (through vasoconstrictions and vasodilation)
Reduces Inflammation, Muscle soreness and promotes faster muscle repair
Help achieve brown fat loss
Increases energy levels
Improves Sleep
Improves Healing
Improves Skin health
Enhances detoxification
Improved discipline and focus
Boosts/elevates the mood
Reduces Stress
Promotes Relaxation
Contraindications/Precautions for Cold Plunge/Infrared Sauna use include:
-Pregnancy (Elevated body temperature can harm an unborn fetus) Although there are varied opinions in
the literature, DermaSea errs of the side of caution and does not recommend use of either cold plunge or
infrared Sauna if you are expecting. Instead, we will provide a complimentary sauna visit to island mothers
after they have delivered!
-Alcohol use is prohibited prior to use of Cold Plunge and Infrared Sauna at DermaSea. Alcohol increases
heart rate and decreases judgement preventing the body from recognizing a negative reaction to the heat or
-Cardiovascular Conditions such as hypertension, heart arrhythmia or pulmonary edema
-Diabetes/Neuropathy- can impair feeling and ability to sweat.
-Anorexia- Exposure to extreme cold and heat is hard work for the body and caloric intake must be
adequate for the body to handle the stress of exposure.
-Other conditions that affect the ability to sweat including anhidrosis, multiple sclerosis, CNS
-Cold Urticaria- or allergy to the cold. Cold plunge should be avoided.
-Individuals who are prone to bleeding should avoid use of infrared sauna
-Raynauds Syndrome
-Joint Injury- new joint injuries (48-72 hours) should avoid heat until swelling subsides. Those with
chronically swollen and hot joints should avoid exposure to the heat.
-Fever or insensitivity of heat
-Implants- Metal Pins, rods, artificial joints and other surgical implants typically reflect the infrared waves
and are not heated however you should discuss use of an infrared sauna with your surgeon prior to use.
-Pacemaker/Defibrillator-Magnetic use in the assembly of the Sauna, although low, could effect these
-Taking certain medications (such as Diuretics, barbiturates, anticholinergics and beta-blockers,
antihistamines) may impair the body’s natural heat loss mechanisms and inhibit sweating predisposing
individuals to heat rash or heatstroke.
-Age- The elderly can have a decreased ability to maintain core body temperature and decreased sweat gland
function. Use of Sauna should be at lower temperature and limited to 15 minutes. Children’s core
temperature rises much quicker than adults due to high metabolic rate and have limited circulatory
adaptation to the cardiac demands and sweating ability. DermaSea does not allow children under the age of
18 to use cold plunge or sauna.
-Menstruation- heat may cause temporary increase of menstrual flow.
-Waxing or other similar treatments that may cause sensitivity of the skin. Sauna and Cold plunge
should be avoided temporarily as to not cause further irritation
It is your responsibility to review the contraindications and precautions and if needed discuss use of Cold Plunge and Infrared Sauna with your physician prior to use at DermaSea.
We require that you shower prior to cold/plunge sauna appointments. Please keep in mind—at this time we do not have a shower on site.
$65 45 min session for one person
$100 45 min session for two people
Add second person for $35 per session
$275 5 sessions
$500 10 sessions
$175 3 sessions